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The Board of Trustees has an enrolment scheme in place based on a Home Zone, which states that all children who live within the School Zone will be accepted. Out of Zone Applications are subject to ‘Enrolment Periods’ being determined by the Board of Trustees if there are spare places.  Generally there will only be one ‘Enrolment Period’ which is when applications are called for the next year. 

Ellerslie School is currently only able to accept students who reside within the school zone

The school zone is currently set out on the Ministry of Education's website. If in doubt, you can contact the Ministry of Education for clarification on 09 632 9400.

Enrolment Information

All in-zone applicants are guaranteed places at Ellerslie School.   Applications for a place must be made before enrolment can be offered.  All enrolments must be accompanied by a Birth Certificate or Passport as proof of age and residency, along with two proofs of address.  A current power bill and copy of a Residential Tenancy Agreement or rates bill is required.

Applications for enrolment can be made before your child’s 5th birthday but children start school on the next cohort start date  after they turn 5.  We encourage you to enrol your child up to one year before they turn 5.

Correct school uniform is required to be worn on the first day of starting at school.

How to enrol

All enrolment is now done online - click here

Transition to School


We are excited to welcome you and your child to Rimu Team at Ellerslie School. Our spacious, light and open pods (classrooms) are inviting spaces for our newest tamariki to begin their learning journey. On entry to school your child will be allocated to a Guardian Group teacher (class teacher). This is the person who is your first point of call for any queries and who will be reporting your child’s learning at report time and parent interviews.


Ideally, students who are starting at Ellerslie School will have one or two visits to the pod to meet the teachers and other students and to learn the morning routines in the classroom. However, this could differ depending on the individual needs of the student.

•    A couple of months before your child’s 5th birthday please get in touch with the school office to organise
      the dates and times of this visit(s).
 •    Depending on your child and their individual needs, they will start on the first Monday after their 5th
•    The visits will be from the start of school at 9.00am and go until  10.00am. 
•    Children are able to spend morning tea at school with their new class friends but their parent must actively
       supervise them in the playground.
•    Parents must stay on the school premises for the duration of their child’s visit. 
•    Parents need to complete all the  online enrolment forms
•    Stationery is purchased online prior to starting school. 


To help your child feel ready for school, you might like to practise: 
•    Packing and unpacking their school bag.
•    Opening and closing their lunchbox/drink bottle. 
•    Eating out of a lunchbox if they aren't used to doing this.
•    Putting on and taking off school fleece/ sweatshirt, jackets, shoes and socks. 

Reading picture books regularly with your child and talking about different topics as a whānau (family) is also a great way to support your child's literacy and oral language development.

When buying a school bag, please make sure it is big enough to carry a polar fleece, lunch box, drink bottle and a book bag.


•    School uniform (a spare set of clothing is recommended) - Please make sure all clothing is named.
•    Ellerslie School sun hat (compulsory in summer Terms 1 and 4).
•    Lunch, morning tea and a water bottle (please note we encourage healthy food and water). 
•    A bought lunch from Kindo can be ordered online and will be delivered to your child at lunch time.
•    Book bags are returned to school each day.
•    Please discourage your child from bringing toys to school as they can get lost or become a distraction in the


School Timetable

School starts at      8:50am
Fruit Break                  10:00 -10:10am
Morning tea               11:20 - 11:40am
Lunch time                12:50pm -1:35pm  
School finishes       2:45pm 

At morning tea and lunch time the children are supervised when eating.


Ellerslie School uniform can be purchased online from Argyle Online: Ellerslie School Uniform

Please make sure your child wears suitable footwear (plain black shoes or black sandals). School hats and whanau house t-shirts can be purchased online through your Kindo account.


Stationery packs are purchased online via Kindo and the pack will be delivered straight to your child’s guardian group teacher. Please purchase the New Entrant Pack.


If your child is going to be absent from school please notify the school by one of the following methods by 8:50am:

  • use the Absence submission template on the Ellerslie School App

  • use the Report an Absentee submission form on the school website

  • send an email to

  • call the school (579-5477), press option 1 and leave a message on the answer phone

If you need to remove your child from class early for an appointment, you will need to come to the school office prior to collecting them from the classroom.  

If your child is away for 5 continuous days, please note that you are required to either complete an “Application for Student Extended Leave Form” or provide a Medical Certificate.

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